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Akita University

Electrical and Electronic Engineering Course

Course (Program) studies and educational goals

The rate at which science and technology develop in the field of electrical and electronic engineering is astonishing. Electronics technology has been positioned as the industrial infrastructure of today’s society. Also, the development and utilization of electronics technology and information communications technology is needed to enrich society and lifestyles in areas such as medicine, welfare, and the environment. Our aim is to cultivate electronics engineers who can meet this societal demand, “have a global perspective, a humanity supported by an abundant cultural education, flexible adaptability, and the ability to establish and solve problems, therefore we have established the following studies and educational goals.

(A)Deepen students understanding of science and technology, and acquire the necessary fundamental knowledge in order to solve problems, such as mathematics and physics.

  • Acquire a fundamental knowledge of mathematics, such as linear algebra and calculus.
  • Acquire a fundamental knowledge of physics, such as dynamics, electromagnetics, and thermodynamics.
  • Acquire a fundamental knowledge of applied mathematics, such as differential equations, complex analysis, and vector analysis.

(B) Acquire the education and qualities necessary to be a productive member of society who possesses a global perspective and broad overview.

  • Cultivate the ability to understand English correctly and express one’s self appropriately.
  • Acquire a vast education ranging in fields from science and engineering to humanities and social sciences
  • Acquire the ability to think about things from other people’s and other countries’ points of view.

(C)Learn how to effectively use computer networks and programming methods, and the ability to put that knowledge to use.

  • Understand how to operate a computer, and learn how to use software.
  • Understand the principles of network structure and use it in information searches and communications.
  • Acquire a fundamental knowledge of programming methods, such as C language.

(D)Acquire the specialized knowledge necessary to understand and develop the underlying technology that supports electrical, electronic, information and communication engineering, and cultivate the application ability as an engineer.

  • Acquire a basic knowledge (electric circuitry, electromagnetics) of electrical and electronic engineering.
  • Acquire specialized knowledge regarding the transport of electrical energy and its use.
  • Acquire specialized knowledge regarding optical and electronic device development and circuit design
  • Acquire specialized knowledge regarding intelligent information communications system development and design.
  • Acquire specialized knowledge regarding control system development and design.

(E)Understand the demands of society, and acquire the engineering design ability to establish and solve problems independently.

  • Acquire the ability to use one’s knowledge to address a given issue, and solve it.
  • The ability to study autonomously and continuously.
  • The ability to establish issues and propose research plans autonomously.
  • The ability to implement a research plan with a certain time frame under given conditions, and to organize the results.

(F)In addition to recognizing the correspondence between the knowledge of electrical and electronic engineering acquired through lectures and practicums and the reality of phenomena and systems, developing a discerning eye for seeking out the truth.

  • Lean experimentation methods for the various physical phenomena in electrical and electronic engineering.
  • Through experimentation, comprehend the principles and usages of the various electrical and electronic engineering technologies.
  • Based on the knowledge gained through lectures and practicums, evaluate experiment results and consider scientific truths.

(G) Develop the communication ability to describe logically, give oral presentations, and debate.

  • Learn the usages of various tools for writing and oral presentations.
  • The ability to logically explain in writing and through oral presentation, one’s own research subject, plan and results.
  • The ability to debate logically regarding one’s own research subject.

(H) Develop the awareness of one’s ethical responsibility to society as an engineer and the ability to think as one.

  • Comprehend the impacts and effects technology has on society and nature.
  • Comprehend the responsibility engineers have to society.
  • The ability to think autonomously about the responsible decisions and actions required by independent engineers.
Electrical and Electronic Engineering Course