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Akita University

Japanese Government (MONBUKAGAKUSHO) Scholarship Program

※ Regarding the 2025 program,We will inform you as soon as the details of the program are decided.

Special programs conducted by Graduate School of Engineering Science/ Faculty of Engineering Science, Akita University have been assigned from April 2022 by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) to preferentially accept the recipients who have been awarded “MONBUKAGAKUSHO Scholarship”.


Faculty of Engineering Science:Program for Introduction into Sustainable Engineering

This program has been conducted with collaboration of following 4 courses of departments at Faculty of Engineering Science, Akita University: Applied Chemistry Course and Material Science and Engineering Course (Department of Material Science), Electrical and Electronic Engineering Course (Department of Mathematical Science and Electrical-Electronic-Computer Engineering) and Mechanical Engineering Course (Department of System Design Engineering). Applicants shall be assigned either one of them.

This program aims to support the international students to develop their career and to contribute to the globalization of the local community through acquiring multidisciplinary knowledge about design for environment, utilization of renewable energy, motorization of power systems, and so on, in collaboration with the local business.


Target Students: First year grade of the Faculty

 5 of MEXT Scholarship Recipients  

 5 of privately-financed foreign students

 5 of Japanese students

※ We will provide infomation regarding 2025 as soon as the details are decided. The number of people is also undecided.


Graduate School of Engineering ScienceInternational Education Program for Design for Environment 

This program has been conducted with collaboration of following 5 departments at Graduate School of Engineering Science, Akita University: Department of Life Science, Department of Material Science, Department of Mathematical Science and Electrical-Electronic-Computer Engineering, Department of System Design Engineering and Cooperative Major in Sustainable Engineering. Applicants shall be assigned either one of them and make further research in accordance with each major.

This program aims to acquire multidisciplinary knowledge about design for environment mainly about the idea of decarbonization and green energy.


Target Students: First year grade of Master’s Course

 3 of MEXT Scholarship Recipients  

 3 of privately-financed foreign students

 3 of Japanese students

 ※ We will provide infomation regarding 2025 as soon as the details are decided. The number of people is also undecided.