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Akita University

Graduate School Admission Information

Master’s Courses

Affiliated School Recommendation

General Entrance Exam / Other Admission Requirements

Doctoral Courses

Affiliated School Recommendation / International Doctoral Courses in English

General Entrance Exam / Other Admission Requirements

Tuition Fees / Scholarships

Payment of evaluation fee for entrance examination

To pay the examination fee from overseas, please check the URL below.


Contact information

About Graduate School Exam :


Notes 1)Once application procedures are fully completed, the evaluation fee will not be returned for any reason.

Notes 2)This payment procedure is only available for residents outside of Japan. Current residents of Japan are not eligible to make payment using this service.

Notes 3)This payment procedure will be completed on the website of Flywire, which is affiliated with Akita University.

Notes 4)At Akita University,personal information will not be provided to third parties without the consent of the individual, unless required by law.