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Akita University

Civil and Environmental Engineering Course

Course (Program) studies and educational goals

In the Civil and Environmental Engineering Course, we have established the study and educational goals from (A) to (F), based on the educational philosophy of the course. In addition, in order to understand (A) – (F) easier, we have further subdivided the contents, denoted keywords as follows.

(A)Acquire the qualities and ability to design comprehensive solutions in terms of developing social infrastructure, utilizing the solid fundamental and specialized knowledge and technology of civil and environmental engineering, to consider the demands of society from a multi-faceted point of view and global environment perspective that includes the happiness of mankind and the welfare of the public
(A-1) Fundamental knowledge of civil and environmental engineering (fundamental knowledge): Compulsory subjects in each specialty
(A-2) Applied knowledge for civil and environmental engineering (applied knowledge): Compulsory subjects in each specialty
(A-3) Design ability to solve the problems comprehensively in terms of developing infrastructure (Comprehensive problem-solving ability): Subjects related to design, etc.

In order to develop such qualities,
(B) Possess a broad interest in the global environment, including nature, life, etc. and the ability to consider it from a multi-faceted perspective, and through the application of fundamental knowledge regarding civil and environmental engineering, understand the relationship between nature and society and their effects on each other, and acquire the awareness as an engineer of the responsibility to nature and society.
(B-1) Ability to consider the global environment (Global environment): Subjects for general education and environment, etc.
(B-2)The ethics of an engineer (Ethics): Subjects related to ethics, environment related subjects, etc.

(C)Possess an awareness of the changes in the issues facing society, and acquire the ability to study the specialized knowledge and technology necessary to address the newly found issues in civil and environmental engineering autonomously, and continuously.
(C-1)The ability to study autonomously and continuously in order to be able to address new issues (Continuous study): First Year Seminar, Creative practice, Exercise, etc.

In order to acquire that knowledge,
(D) Acquire a fundamental knowledge of mathematical and natural sciences, information technology, etc. and the ability to understand the mechanisms of natural and social phenomena. Also, acquire the ability to gather a variety of information, analyze it and consider the needs of society from a multi-faceted perspective based on the knowledge of humanities and social sciences acquired.
(D-1)Fundamental knowledge of natural science (Natural science): Fundamental education courses, Applied Mathematics
(D-2) Knowledge of humanities and social sciences (Humanity, Society): General education courses
(D-3) The ability to gather information and analyze it (Information): Information Processing Skills, Lab subjects, Survey and proposal for research, Reading foreign literature.

In order to acquire those skills,
(E) Understand phenomena, and acquire the ability to logically describe and present where problems lie and their solutions. Also, deepen understanding of phenomena through debate, and acquire the ability to improve problem areas of the proposed solution. Additionally, acquire the fundamental communication ability required in order to act on a global stage.
(E-1) The ability to describe and present logically (Description, presentation): Thesis
(E-2) The ability to improve through debate (Debate): survey and proposal for research.
(E-3) The fundamental knowledge to communicate internationally (Communication): Subjects for foreign language,Reading foreign literature.

(F)Acquire the ability to establish goals and the processes to reach them, and strategically implement the work necessary under the constraints of time and those of the natural, social, and economic environments.
(F-1) The ability to establish the goals and processes (Planning): Creative practice, Survey and proposal for research.
(F-2) The ability to implement the work according to the plan (Implement): Creative practice, Thesis.

Civil and Environmental Engineering Course